Wednesday, February 6, 2013

More Black History Bits pt. 2

1. The queen of Sheba's name is Makida
2. First Black Mexicans were called the Omecs
3. Madame C.J. Walker invented the sofabed, iron, ironing board, but was more famous for coming out with a line of hair and cosmetics products for African-American women. She was also the 1st African-American woman to be a millionaire in U.S. history!!! She also invented heating tools for our hair(pressing combs & curling irons).
4. Garret Morgan invented the traffic light. He wanted to use our African colors(red, black, green, & gold) just like our flag. Notice how black is the overall color of the light fixture? Then, the color red is at the top, then yellow, and then green.
5. Westinghouse invented the stove and the oven.
6. Step Dancing(black greek fraternities) came from Africa. So did street dance(hip-hop, krumping, popping, line dancing, breakin'). They used to secretly meet with other slaves in the woods and hold competitions.
7. Praise dancing(what we do in church) also came from Africa. They also would meet in the woods to praise and worship our Lord Jesus Christ. They would also hold church services.
8. The Ford family may not agree with this, but, Henry Ford's best friend(a black man) invented the car and the lubricant for the motor in the car. When they got into a heated fight one day, Mr. Ford's best friend took the recipe for the lubricant with him and never regained his friendship with Mr. Ford. Mr. Ford needed that lubricant for all the cars he was making and never got it. His ex-best friend(the black man) died with the recipe.
9. The Statue of Liberty was designed after a slave woman.
10. Soul Food is the real name for Southern Food. White people call it "southern" because they refuse to accept the fact that #1, they stole our recipes after slavery was over, and #2, during slavery, the "house slaves" were forced to cook for the slave masters. The slave masters would throw the food at the slaves and tell them to cook it without telling them how. So, they had to come up with ways and recipes to cook the food or get hanged(lynched). Also, if the food wasn't to the master's liking, the slaves got hanged. The slaves had to be clever with the food to keep from being killed. Soul Food is food that, not only were cooked by slaves, but has a deep dark history behind it. This is why White people call our food "southern".

This is some of our history. I may have more coming to you another day. Do not get affended at what I said. Its just part of African-American and American history that some people don't want to acknowledge. Some of us that know our history, don't mind sharing it with others. Enjoy the blog and enjoy the food(if you eat it)!!

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