Thursday, October 17, 2013

Is it really "ok" to celebrate Halloween?

Is it really "ok" to celebrate Halloween? The answer is no. Let me tell you why because there's things that people need to know from a Christian and Non-Christian point of view. Yes, I'm a Born Again Believer filled w/ the Holy Spirit. I don't call myself a Christian, but, that's a different topic for later. From the Word of God, witchcraft of all kinds have been an abomination to God because God does not operate the way people want Him to through magic potions and spells. It's all Demonic and you conjure up Demons when you do that. Using bones, tools, and "magic boards" of all types brings Demons into your home or where ever it is used. There are movies and t.v. shows that show these things and even though Hollywood brings this stuff to light, a lot of what they show is real. Demonic spirits are real. The Bible(The Word of God), tells us how they came about and where they dwell to this day. When using devices like boards and tools to cast spells or to conjure up a spirit, the demonic spirits show up. They let you know that they are real and they help people who do witchcraft carry out their wishes. In the end, they kill you and send you to Hell. Now, from a non-Christian point of view. Have you ever experienced living in a house that was haunted or been somewhere where it just didn't "feel" right? If you have or know someone that has, or watched t.v. shows like "A Haunting" and "Paranormal Whitness", then you know that ghost and demonic spirits are real. I too have had all kinds of experiences with spirits. I was told by my parents that I was born with a "veil over my eyes". It's a term used for saying that you have the gift to see spirits, both evil and God's angels(human too). These things that people experience are what people celebrate every year on Halloween. Was your expereience funny? Did it make you feel like you wanted to expereience it again and again? If not, then you know not to have anything to do with Halloween. In the shows like the ones I mentioned, tell their true life, scary experiences to let other people know that this is real and its not funny. What they went through could have taken their life. This is what people want to celebrate every year as a fun thing and its not funny or fun to go through that. In history, Halloween came about through Irish mercenaries who lost loved ones and friends and wanted to conjure up their spirits to see and talk to them, again. They chanted spells, used tools and boards to do this. Whether it worked or not(I believe it did), it caused St. Patrick and other Christian evangelists to run them out of Ireland, therefore spreading the witchcraft to other parts of the world. This is why you also shouldn't run to mediums(for people who don't know, a medium is someone who claims they can conjure up spirits of dead people and talk to them for themselves or for you.) The Word of God tells us to run from people who do those things. Psychics, Soothsayers(who uses sun, moon, and stars to predict your future), Palm Readers, and Mediums were destroyed by King David in the Bible. God told him to do this. Its all witchcraft and we are not to use it in any way or go to people who use it. When you celebrate Halloween, you're telling the Devil that you want him in your home, whether you throw a Halloween party or just go trick-or-treating. If strange things start to happen in your home after you have celebrated Halloween, ask yourself if its worth going through the things people have gone through after living in a real haunted house. You don't have to live in a haunted house to experience these things. It happens everywhere you go. I can tell you all of my experiences, but that would be a very, very long blog! When Halloween comes, and you feel you should still celebrate it after reading my blog, then do it. Just don't blame me for anything strange happening in your house, later!

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