Thursday, October 17, 2013

The "N" Word

Everyone wants to talk about Paula Deen and how she has been using the "N" word. Believe me, I'm glad she got caught. After it came out about that, there was talk about it everywhere on the news and on news specials. I'm glad there has been a discussion about it, but, as I was watching this "buzz" on t.v. about it, I wondered if anybody know who else is, not only using that word, but, also calling us African-Americans that, too. It was not mentioned anywhere that another race of people are too, calling us that in a derotigative way. Well, let me break my silence about that. Hispanics in their communities has also been calling us the "N" word and has been bold enough to say it in our faces!!  I live in Fresno, Ca, where I have been experiencing this for a while.  A few yrs. ago(4 or 5), my neighbor was helping me move to a new house(I was living with my father at that time). While we were at a stop light, a group of Mexican guys in their car next to us, saw us and called us the "N" word. They then stared at us to see if we were going to say anything or do something about it. They also gave us this "look" as if to let us know not to do anything about it or else. Another experience was when I was walking down the street. A group of Mexican boys(a different group and younger than the other ones), saw me and started talking out loud about this "N****H" and that they were going to do something about this "N****H"!! I was wise not to say anything. AND yesterday, when I was on the city bus going back to my uncle's house, these Mexican boys was on the bus saying, "you're my "N****H" over and over again. When I looked back, one of them was watching me as if to tell me, I dare you to say or do something about it. I think this is the result of White America raising the Hispanic people over African-Americans. White America has always wanted the African-Americans to stay at the bottom of the totem pole in America. They seperated us from our Native American brothers and sisters and now in the early 1990's, they have done it, again(I saw it on Dateline NBC). They have promised the Hispanic community all over America everything on a silver platter if they claim "Latina" instead of their African roots and if they drop their African-American friends and take care of their own people in their communities. It worked. Hispanics took the "bait", so to speak. They are now in t.v. and movies like ants on candy, they have taken over American businesses and opening their own at the same time. Fresno claims that this city is very diverse, it is NOT!!! If you ever come to Fresno, Ca, you will see other races of people, but, its like they're in the shadows. You'll mostly see Hispanics everywhere you go. Doctor's offices, banks, and grocery stores are now mostly Hispanic, and these are American based businesses! Racism is now being throwed at us by Hispanics and I guarantee you that White America knows this, already, they're just not saying anything about it. I came across a young Hispanic girl a few yrs. ago(about 6yrs. ago), and she had "I hate Black people" written on her binder. Not only did I talk to this girl, but I got to talk to her about Christ's love for all people. I love people, all people! I'm very upset about the way things have gone in this country, but God knows what to do about it, so, no worries. Yes, just in case you're wondering, I do have Hispanic friends and I'm friendly with them. I'm just not into this "Latina" craze that other people are into. I see it all the time on t.v., especially with celebrities who are not Hispanic. They just seem to go googoo gaga over them and I don't understand why. I only have one Hipanic actress I really like and that's Eva Mendes. For some reason, she's different and you can see a lot of African in her. I just wanted to let everyone know what is happening in Fresno, Ca, but I guarantee you, too, that its happening everywhere else in your hometown!!!

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